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Dream Symbols Journal

An intuitive guide to documenting and interpreting your dreams

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Dream Interpretation made easy by understanding YOUR unique dream symbols.

When you begin to understand your dream symbols with the practice of documenting them in your Dream Symbols Journal, you will have more clarity about what your dreams are revealing to you. This dream symbol journal was created to help you unravel the mystery of your dream language through the process of journaling and recording a dictionary of your symbols.


Dream symbols can be seen as a form of language as they communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences through visual and sensory imagery. They are often unique to the individual and can have personal or cultural significance. By interpreting these symbols, you can gain insight into your unconscious/subconscious mind and the underlying issues that may be affecting them. It is also important to remember that dream interpretation is subjective and should be approached with an open mind and a willingness to explore different meanings.


For Convenience I have created two versions of the journal; a Printable PDF version and a soft cover version which is available now on Amazon. 

Printable PDF


Soft Cover Journal
on Amazon


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Other Titles Available on Amazon

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Journey with the Ancestors - Tamara Zenobia.png
Earth Chronicles 1 - Tamara Zenobia.jpeg
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Be Transformed - Tamara Zenobia
One Breath, One Moment, One Step, One Day - Tamara Zenobia
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Meet the Author
Tamara Zenobia

Alaska born Vocal Alchemist, Improvisational Storyteller & Performance Artist, Tamara Zenobia, brings a unique artistic philosophy to her work and that is to hone the gift of the intuitive and improvisational artist/healer within each of us.


Tamara is the owner and founder of Butterfly Jazz Intuitive Arts LLC. Tamara performs and gives workshops, classes and privates healing sessions, which she offers both locally, and internationally.


Visit her website to learn more about Tamara:

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